More about Candles!!
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Question: Why is the color only on the outside of the candle? The candle is white or a different color on the inside.
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Question: Why is the color only on the outside of the candle? The candle is white or a different color on the inside.
This is called over-dipping. The "core" (inside) of the candle is usually white and made up of compressed wax particles. This "core" is then dipped in the color that you see.
Question: Why are some candles so
much more expensive then others, yet they are the same size?
Good question! Candles require more than just wax and wick. Candles require different additives, skilled craftsmen or workers, and time. The best way to answer this is with experience. Take the time to try different candles. See what characteristics you find important, and then look for those similar characteristics in the candles you choose in the future.
Remember, just because a candle costs more doesn't mean it is better! Go with what you like, and most importantly, enjoy the beauty and brilliance of candle light in a safe and responsible manner.
Question: The candle has a label on the bottom or elsewhere that indicates that the candle is for decorative purposes only, I would like to burn it, what should I do?
Many candles today make remarkable conversation pieces. The type of ice breaker that can ease even the tensest of gatherings. Avoid burning candles that are marked in such a way. Furthermore, exercise common sense. If a candle appears as if it will make a mess or burn in an unsafe manner, avoid burning it. And NEVER leave a burning a candle unattended!
Question: I have a candle that feels much lighter than it should. What is this, and why does it feel like this?
Ahh, yes. This is referred to as aerated wax. Simply stated, it is wax that is mixed with air. Candles produced in this matter often weigh as little as half the normal amount. Thus reducing the cost, and freight in shipping. These candles should never be burned as they can produce flames that may reach an unsafe size, and are prone to dripping. These candles are clearly best for novelty.
Question: How can I tell a good candle from a bad candle?
Hmmmm. There are some basic things to consider in a candle.
1) Scent (if scented). Is the scent strong? Does it permeate the air when burned for a minimum of forty minutes? Is it true? Does it really smell like a fresh basket of strawberries?
2) Color (If dyed). Is the color "true"? If it says royal blue, is it really royal blue? Solid color candles tend to fade faster than over-dipped candles. Solid color candles are sometimes more desirable for decorating.
3) Size to wick ratio. Does the wick seem overly large in thickness for the width of the candle? Or is it just right?
4) Burn time. Did the fifteen hour votive IN A VOTIVE GLASS only burn six hours, consuming all the wax? Or did it burn between thirteen and sixteen hours as it should? How about that three inch wide pillar candle? Did you get approximately twenty hours per INCH in height??
5) Were you able to control the flame from smoking by trimming the wick as needed?
These are just some hints. Basically there is no definite way to tell a good candle from a bad candle. Whatever you do, don't be deceived by high prices or candle party gimmicks. Trial and error is often the best way to learn.
Question: I buy a lot of my candles from places that call themselves factories. Am I really getting the best deal this way?
The truth?
It depends. More often than not, the answer to this is: not really! The best way to know if you are getting a good deal is by trying and burning the candle and then comparing them to others! Don't stock up on candles you aren't familiar with simply because you think you are getting them for a steal! Remember, the best lesson learned is by experience!
Question: How long should different types of candles burn?
1) Taper candles can burn as long as they can be safely monitored.
2) Container candles, such as jars, or candles in a tin, can be burned as long as possible as well; this will help ensure that the candle will burn clean out of the container. Same goes for votive candles!
3) **Pillar candles, such as 3"x6", or 4"x9", etc. can be burned for as long as the integrity of the top edge can be maintained! Basically, burn them as long as you can without causing them to drip! (**See #4)
4) Candles with imbedded materials must be carefully watched. For example, candles with pressed flowers or other possibly flammable materials affixed to them, must be burned in short intervals (one to two hours) and care must be taken to avoid contact of these materials with the flame!
Please remember some things that are especially important to the entire staff:
2) Candles can create among the best atmospheres! Be creative in your decor, and your scent combinations! You'll surprise yourself!!
3) Use our Candle Burning Guide. Don't be shy! Ask questions! We love to help! It is why we are here! We are here to make YOU happy! Simple. :-)
4) Know how appreciative we are that you are reading this right now! Know that you are our most important asset, and that without YOU there would not be a Thank You... for being HERE!
5) Have a wonderful day, no matter what you do with it.
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